Friday, June 19, 2015

Angelina Reneau

This year I am going to use my summer break to serve God by doing missions work with Child Evangelism Fellowship. CEF is a worldwide organization ministering to children in 192 nations around the world and right here in Colorado!

The summer missions program—Christian Youth In Action (CYIA)—is all about training students ages 13-22 in how to reach kids with the gospel. We will train for two weeks, June 6-19, and then go out in ministry teams to reach children in many different communities.

The ministry weeks will take me all across the six-county Denver area to teach 5-Day Clubs, which are like a VBS “on the road.” Each 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids with high energy games, a Bible lesson to share the gospel, songs, memory verses, and a missions story. Kids get to hear the gospel and just have a great time! We will also give each child an opportunity to respond individually to the gospel presentation and talk with us more about it.

5-Day Clubs can take place anywhere children gather: public parks, community centers, multi-housing complexes, mobile home parks, etc. There are many children and families who might come to a 5-Day Club, even if they do not go to church anywhere. Please pray that my teammates and I can be effective in reaching children and families who are far from God!

In Acts 5, a Pharisee named Gamaliel said this about the apostles who were spreading the gospel: “If this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them” (Acts 5:38-39). I am praying for my undertaking of this summer ministry to be entirely of God!

I need to raise $650 for the entire summer of ministry. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me? You can make a secure online donation by credit/debit card or PayPal:

You can also partner with me in prayer. Please pray for both the weeks of training and the weeks of ministry! If you would like one of my prayer cards, please contact the CEF office. Thank you for being a part of my summer!

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