Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Worley’s Ministry

Thank you for your interest in Mike & Sandy Worley’s ministry with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Colorado West!

If you would like to support their ministry, click the button below to make a donation or set up a recurring monthly gift:

Thank you so much for your support! The Worley’s are passionate about serving the nine-county region of Colorado’s western slope: Every Child, Every County, Every Day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Porter’s Ministry

“Pack the suburban and hit the road” seems to have been the story of our lives for the last several weeks. Since the first of August we have been involved in teacher training in Lakewood, Thornton, Franktown, Centennial, Ft. Collins, Grand Junction and Colorado Springs. In fact, when we figured our mileage for August we were astonished at the number of miles we had covered that we could claim as expenses. The number of ministry-related miles was 2,374. Over two thousand miles doing what we love to do—teacher training.

If you thought we might slow down after this busy season of teacher training, think again. We just got some very exciting news. Good News Across America is coming to Denver next summer. CEF has gone to different large cities for the last five summers to blitz the area with 5-Day Clubs. A team of 150 to 175 from all over the United States has gathered together for two weeks in the designated city, partnered with thirty local churches and reached thousands of children for Christ. In 2013 the city will be Denver. John Luck, the GNAA project director, has already planned six trips to Denver to visit with pastors and make plans for GNAA which will be July 15-27, 2013. We are so excited. For many of these trips John will be staying with us and we will join him for many of the meetings with pastors. We know it will take lots of time but we think the eternal results in the lives of children and their families will totally make it worth it.

All of this traveling has really drained the funds in our expense account. Will you ask God if He would have you send a gift or add to your monthly giving so that we can continue our traveling schedule? We firmly believe that God has given us this awesome opportunity to train others who will continue teaching for years to come.

Click the button below if you would like to make a donation or set up a recurring monthly gift toward our ministry:

Thank you so much for praying for us. We know that the strength needed to keep up with the schedule we have is in answer to your prayers.

Frank & Connie Porter

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rachael Shaw

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 180 nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend several weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kimberly & Kyler Stirewalt

Our heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given us an exciting way to do that! We will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). We will be working with other students our age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

We are going to spend two weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch our comfort zones in a lot of ways. We will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. We will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. We don’t know what to expect or what we will encounter. But we do know that Jesus has the power to save! We are excited to see how God will work.

We need to raise $840 for this summer. Would you consider supporting us? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

We will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of our prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of our summer!

William Lee

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend two weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Dallas Lamascus

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend two weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Celeste Gilmore

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Hannah Gibson

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend time in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that may stretch my comfort zone in many ways: I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to be a leader and example for the other CYIA students and see how God will work.

I need to raise $410 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Nathan Carmack

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend two weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Kayla Goshern - 2012 Summer Intern

I have been blessed with the most amazing opportunity to be involved in summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global ministry solely committed to the hearts of children and giving them the opportunity for salvation.

As an 8th-year summer missionary working for Christian Youth In Action (CYIA), a branch of CEF, I have learned and experienced so much through this ministry and have gained such a passion for the children and seeing their eyes opened to the love of Jesus Christ. Working with students my age that share the same passion is something that has impacted my life.

This year I have decided to become more involved in the ministry. I am serving as a summer intern, doing more behind the scenes work and helping make this summer the best that CYIA has had yet. I hope in my hard work through this summer that I become closer to my teammates, growing and learning along side them. I also hope that my efforts better the ministry of CEF and that I make a worthwhile change in how smoothly the ministry flows from this point on.

The last two weeks of July, I will be going on a mission trip up to the Twin Cities for “Good News Across America,” another branch of CEF that brings CYIA students from all over the nation to one spot to help churches in that community kick off a children’s ministry that will last in their churches and help bring new faces to know the Gospel.

I need to raise $1,000 for the trip to Twin Cities, and appreciate all forms of support. Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

Support could also come by just simply keeping me in your prayers. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you for supporting me and my ministry!

Lexi Becker

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Collin Quinn

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

This is an opportunity that will stretch my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I will be going to both rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. I will work with both preschoolers and elementary-age kids. I don’t know what to expect or what I will encounter as I meet each new group of kids. But I do know that Jesus has the power to save! I am excited to see how God will work.

I need to raise $420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Micah Cohoon

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend two weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with my teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

At the end of July, I am also going on a two-week mission trip to the Twin Cities with a few of my teammates. We are going to join other CYIA students from all over the nation and partner with churches in the Twin Cities and help them start new ministries to kids in their community. The Twin Cities is a very diverse area with a great need for the gospel. I am excited to see how God will work!

I need to raise $1,420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Kamiah Goshern

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with my teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

At the end of July, I am also going on a two-week mission trip to the Twin Cities with a few of my teammates. We are going to join other CYIA students from all over the nation and partner with churches in the Twin Cities and help them start new ministries to kids in their community. The Twin Cities is a very diverse area with a great need for the gospel. I am excited to see how God will work!

I need to raise $1,420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!

Emanuel & Sylvia Salazar

Our heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given us an exciting way to do that! We will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). We will be working with other students our age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

We are going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with our teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

At the end of July, we are also going on a two-week mission trip to the Twin Cities with a few of our teammates. We are going to join other CYIA students from all over the nation and partner with churches in the Twin Cities and help them start new ministries to kids in their community. The Twin Cities is a very diverse area with a great need for the gospel. We are excited to see how God will work!

We need to raise $2,840 for this summer. Would you consider supporting us? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

We will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of our prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of our summer!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Micah & Rachel Josselyn

Our heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given us an exciting way to do that! We will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). We will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

We are going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with my teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

At the end of July, we are also going on a two-week mission trip to the Twin Cities with a few of my teammates. We are going to join other CYIA students from all over the nation and partner with churches in the Twin Cities and help them start new ministries to kids in their community. The Twin Cities is a very diverse area with a great need for the gospel. We are excited to see how God will work!

We need to raise $2,790 for this summer. Would you consider supporting us? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

We will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of our prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of our summer!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Megan Streitenberger

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do that! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in 170+ nations around the world.

The program is called Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will be working with other students my age to learn how to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 10-22. Then we will go out into the city to share Christ’s love!

I am going to spend three weeks in the Denver metro area teaching 5-Day Clubs with my teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids filled with high energy games, a Bible lesson, songs, a missionary story, and more. Kids get to hear the gospel, have fun, and just be in a positive environment. We will give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

At the end of July, I am also going on a two-week mission trip to the Twin Cities with a few of my teammates. We are going to join other CYIA students from all over the nation and partner with churches in the Twin Cities and help them start new ministries to kids in their community. The Twin Cities is a very diverse area with a great need for the gospel. I am excited to see how God will work!

I need to raise $1,420 for this summer. Would you consider supporting me? Donations are fully tax-deductible, and you can make a secure online donation by credit card or PayPal:

I will need lots of prayer this summer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office at Thank you so much for being a part of my summer!