Saturday, May 25, 2013

Jaden Montoya

I wanted to serve God with my summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do this! I am doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization that ministers to kids in over 180 nations around the world.

The program is Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will work with other students my age to learn how to reach the next generation for Christ. We will be in training camp from June 7-21. Then we will go out into communities across the city to share Christ’s love!

I will spend two full weeks within the six-county Denver area teaching 5-Day Clubs with my teammates. The 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids with high energy games, a Bible lesson that presents the gospel, songs, a missionary story, and more. It is kind of like VBS on the road! Kids learn the gospel and have a great time, all in a positive environment. We will give each child the opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching.

We will be going to public parks, community centers, multi-housing complexes, and anywhere else children might gather. CEF finds that there are a lot of kids who will come to 5-Day Club in the public park that might not go to church on Sunday morning. Pray that we will be able to reach many children and families who need Christ!

I will work with kids of all ages. The Bible says: “So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Cor 3:7). I am excited about the planting and watering I get to do this summer, and I am trusting God to give the increase. Pray for hearts and minds to be open.

I need to raise $550 for the entire four weeks of ministry. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me? You can make a secure online donation by credit/debit card or PayPal:

Please also consider partnering with me in prayer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office. Thank you for being a part of my summer!

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