Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sarah Betsch

My heart is to serve God this summer, and He has given me an exciting way to do this! I will be doing summer missions with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a global organization bringing the gospel to kids in over 180 nations around the world.

The program is Christian Youth In Action (CYIA). I will work with other students my age to share the gospel with kids. We will be in training from June 7-21. Following training camp, I am going with the rest of the CYIA team to teach 5-Day Clubs for two weeks in the Denver metro area.

A 5-Day Club is like Vacation Bible School on the road. Each club is 1 ½ hours. We play high-energy games, teach a hands-on Bible lesson, sing energizing songs, tell a missionary story, and more. The kids will be able to hear the gospel while having fun. We will give the children an opportunity to personally accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus is offering them.

Last summer when I traveled to Peru, the part that stuck out the most to me was teaching kids about Christ. This summer I have a wonderful opportunity to teach kids about Christ in my own community. I will be able to carry the passion I had in Peru to a place just barely out of my own backyard! With my team, we will go to both rich and poor neighborhoods and teach kids from preschool all the way up to elementary age, some of which may have never heard the gospel preached!

The reason I am so passionate about teaching kids is because kids are the next generation. If we show the gospel to a child, they can share Jesus with their families. We need to raise up our future leaders in a Christ-like way. And one way of doing this is teaching 5-Day Clubs in the community.

Lastly is the financial part of this. I need to raise $550 for the entire four weeks of ministry. Please prayerfully consider whether God would have you support me in this. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me? You can make a secure online donation by credit/debit card or PayPal:

Please also consider partnering with me in prayer. If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office. Thank you for being part of my summer!

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16

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