Monday, May 26, 2014

Margaret Stretcher - 2014 Summer Intern

I hope this letter finds you well! I have been finishing a busy school year. It was my senior year so I am officially done with high school. Hooray! Soon I will be headed off to college in Pennsylvania.

Last summer I was blessed to be in Christian Youth in Action (CYIA), a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Laura and I were able to reach over 400 kids with the gospel in Colorado. More than 90 kids accepted Christ! It was amazing! It was the most weeks we had ever taught: seven full weeks. It was intense, but well worth it. This summer I am participating in CYIA again (my sixth year!) and I am very excited!

This year I have been given the opportunity to be an intern for the Greater Denver chapter of CEF. It is a 12-week internship from May 19 to August 8. Throughout this internship I would be helping train and lead the teenagers, doing office work, and working in the field through 5-Day Clubs.

There are three main goals in these outreaches: (1) To evangelize boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, (2) To disciple them through God’s Word, and (3) To establish them in local Bible-believing churches. We teach the kids songs, games, Bible verses, missionary stories, and Bible lessons. This work takes a lot of dedication and time to learn all of the material and then present it enthusiastically to the children. It is also lots of fun which is an excellent bonus!

None of this work would be possible without support from family and friends. The support needed for the internship is $2,500. If you can support me financially, I would be extremely grateful! You can make a secure online donation by credit/debit card or PayPal:

I will also need many prayers! If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office. This CEF ministry is exceedingly fruitful; consequently, I am under constant spiritual attack. Please pray for strength (physical and spiritual), dedicated workers, good weather and travel conditions, and above all else pray for the children. Pray that they would attend clubs and that their minds would be completely open to the truth of God’s Word.

I am so excited about these chances to serve and to minister. I’m seeking your support and prayers for this mission opportunity. Thank you so much!

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