Monday, May 26, 2014

Owyn Vowell

I have gotten an exciting opportunity to serve God this summer. I will be doing summer missions training with Child Evangelism Fellowship! CEF is a global organization ministering to kids in over 185 nations around the world, and they have an office right here in Colorado.

The training is Christian Youth In Action (CYIA), which equips middle school, high school and college students for reaching children with the gospel. The training will be for two weeks, June 7-20, at Front Range Christian School in Littleton, Colorado.

My teammates and I will be learning how to teach children using the 5-Day Club outreach, which is like a VBS “on the road.” 5-Day Club is a 90-minute program for kids each day with high energy games, a Bible lesson that shares the gospel, songs, Scripture memory, and a missions story. Kids get to hear the gospel, have a great time, and just be in a positive environment. We also give each child an opportunity to respond personally to the gospel teaching!

During the first week of training I will work on learning all of the skills, concepts, stories, and lessons that we will be sharing. Then during the second week I will get to go out as part of a team and teach a 5-Day Club each day. Pray that we can be effective in reaching children who need Christ!

When Jesus called his disciples, this is the very first command he gave them: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). He wanted them to stop getting fish and to start getting people! Leading others to Jesus is what it means to be a disciple. That is what this summer is all about. I look forward to using what I learn at CYIA training in many other ways!

I need to raise $650 for all of my training expenses. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me? You can make a secure online donation by credit/debit card or PayPal:

You can also partner with me in prayer. Pray for the two weeks of training and the two weeks of ministry! If you would like one of my prayer bookmarks, please contact the CEF office. Thank you for being a part of my summer!

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